
Help & Advice

  • Advice for employers
  • Last updated 24 August 2023

Weekly or monthly pay

When it comes to paying a nanny, one of the most common questions employers have is whether they should pay their employee weekly or monthly. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the right payment schedule for your nanny will depend on a number of factors. Here, we will explore the pros and cons of paying your nanny weekly versus monthly, to help you make an informed decision.

Weekly Pay

Weekly pay is the less popular choice for employers of nannies. With weekly pay, you pay your nanny every week, on the same day each week. There are a number of benefits to this payment schedule, including:

1.     Easier budgeting for your nanny: Weekly pay can be beneficial for your nanny, as it can help them to budget more easily. With a set amount coming in every week, they can plan their finances more effectively.

2.     Flexibility: If you need to make adjustments to your nanny's pay for any reason, it is easier to do so on a weekly basis.

However, there are also some drawbacks to paying your nanny weekly:

1.     Administration: Paying your nanny weekly requires more administration than paying them monthly, as you need to make payments more frequently.

2.     Inconvenience: If you are paid monthly by your employer, then paying your nanny weekly can be inconvenient, as you need to budget for their salary payments throughout the month.

3.     NannyPaye Payments: The popular NannyPaye Payments Service is only available to Employers who pay their Employees monthly.

Monthly Pay

Monthly pay is the most popular option for employers of nannies. With monthly pay, you pay your nanny once a month, on the same day each month. There are also some benefits to this payment schedule, including:

1.     Less administration: Monthly pay requires less administration than weekly pay, as you only need to make payments once a month.

2.     Convenience: Paying your nanny monthly can be more convenient than paying them weekly, as you only have to make one payment per month and can tie this in with when you are paid by your Employer.

3.     Predictable: With a set amount coming in every month, it can be easier to predict and plan your monthly expenses.

4.     NannyPaye Payments: The popular NannyPaye Payment Service is available to Employers who pay their Employee’s monthly.

However, there are also some drawbacks to paying your nanny monthly:

1.     Cash flow: Monthly payments to your nanny can make cash flow management more difficult if you are not paid monthly yourself.

2.     Budgeting: Monthly pay can also make budgeting more difficult for your nanny, as they need to plan their finances around a larger payment.


Ultimately, the decision of whether to pay your nanny weekly or monthly will depend on your individual circumstances. If your Employees cash flow management is a priority, weekly pay may be the best option. On the other hand, if you are looking for a more convenient and less administratively burdensome option, monthly pay may be the way to go. Ultimately, the most important thing is to communicate clearly with your nanny about your chosen payment schedule.


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