Posted 02 August 2024

Employment Allowance

Here at NannyPaye we are specialists in the nannying industry and the majority of the employees that we look after for our clients are (naturally) nannies. However, we also look after payrolls for clients who employ people in a wider range of domestic and other roles, a large group of which are carers and support workers.

Carers are classed a little differently to nannies, and when employing a carer you are entitled to Employer NIC relief of up to £5000 per year should they qualify. This is of course a huge financial benefit and something that we encourage all of our clients who employ carers to look into.

The eligibility criteria can be found below:

While this relief is not available for employers of nannies and au pairs, if you employ (or are considering employing) a carer or support worker definitely check to see whether you qualify for the saving of up to £5000 per year.

If you are reading this and think that this applies to you, let us know – employment allowance claims can also be backdated for the previous four tax years. You may have a tax credit that you don’t know about!

If you would like to speak to one of our specialists please call on 01737 816 320 and we can answer any further questions that you may have.